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Coaching at North Highland
  • North Highland views coaching as a pivotal role integral to developing our future leaders, retaining top talent, and advancing North Highland's culture.
  • North Highland doesn't adopt a traditional managerial hierarchy model for its Academy members. Rather, each Academy member is partnered with a Coach who fulfills some of those traditional managerial duties.
Coaching Responsibilities 
  • Advise: Your coach acts as a sounding board for you and as a source of advise for overcoming both client and internal challenges.
  • Advocate: Your coach advocates for you during performance discussions with leadership and helps you advance your project-related interests.
  • Connect: Your coach is the conduit for connecting you to colleagues whom you will benefit from getting to know.
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Corporate Careers static image
"My coach has been very intentional in helping me look beyond my current project. Shortly after we met, my coach asked me to write down my career goals for the next 1, 5, and 10 years. Because he knows my professional goals, he is able to help track my progress, keep me accountable, and ultimately push me to reach those goals." - Jonathan K.